About Open Local

Who We Are

 Open Local is a non-profit organisation that helps create local government area clusters of innovative individuals and organisations who share ideas, information (data) and software tools to co-design and develop community solutions. We do this with a focus on people, open data, open standards and open source software as important building blocks for citizen-centric social infrastructure.

Open Local's Goals

Helping local communities be more collaborative and connected through social innovation using open-source, location-based platforms
Building gateways to proprietary platforms to make them and the information they contain more openly accessible
Building social inclusion by enabling community members to interact more easily with the range of stakeholders in their community
Identify needs which could be met through open source software development
Helping local government co-design service delivery platforms in an open way to facilitate interaction with local community members
Enable training to be delivered to user groups formed organically in local areas around particular community needs and open data / open source software solutions
Increasing awareness of what open source software is available for use by local government and community orgaisations

Platform and Services

Open Local is responsible for Australian implementations of Collaboratory, FixMyStreet, a hosted Open311 platform and MapIt server.


is committed to helping start up social enterprises grow their community based initiatives. Offering a co-working space overlooking Parramatta River, Collaboratory provides a knowledge sharing environment with access to a support framework that will help connect you with the social enterprise community.


 is a platform that lets people report problems like pot holes in roads, graffiti, illegal dumping, garbage not being collected or other maintenance issues, directly to their local council.  It also helps you see what issues have already been reported in an area, provide updates based on your own observations and to track what's happening with those issues.
Our beta implementation covers New South Wales, but we're working to expand to other states of Australia as soon as possible with the help of local community members, State and Local Governments and sponsors.
If you're in NSW and have an issue to report, head on over to .

We Support

Get in Touch


Come and Meet us

Suite 101, 100 George Street
Parramatta NSW 2150

Give us a call

1300 832 337

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Contact us

Fill in the form below.
Suite 101, 100 George Street, Parramatta NSW 2150

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